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Difference in using nodes instead of arrays

The main difference is in how quickly you can add or remove elements from those structures. However, this approach consumes more memory, since each node needs to know address of its child.

Both stack and queue will in the end have unlimited size.


Here, we will use similar approach like in single linked list. The only changes is, that we will be able to add / remove only the top-most node (last inserted, youngest).

We are going to use templates, since our Node class is templated aswell.

Body with constructor & destructor

We are going to use simple constructor, just to set our head node to NULL. Also, since we want to dispose of all remaining nodes after our stack goes out-of-scope, we will use destructor, that will call destroy on the head node. Resulting into deleting of all nodes.

template <class T> class NodeStack {
    Node<T> *head_;
    NodeStack () {
      this->head_ = NULL;
    ~NodeStack () {
      if (this->head_ != NULL) {

Adding elements

This is done by creating a new Node, setting the current head as child to it and then setting our new node as head.

void push (const T& value) {
  Node<T> *parent = new Node<T>(value); /// Create new Node
  if (this->head_ != NULL) {
    parent->setChild(this->head_); /// If there is existing node, set it as child to our new one
  this->head_ = parent; /// Set new node as parent node

Removing elements

If we want to remove element from our stack, we are going to need to get child of our head node. If there is no child, then head is set to NULL (because all node’s children are set by default to NULL).

T pop () {
  Node<T> *child = this->head_->getChild(); /// Get child of our parent
  T value = this->head_->getValue();
  delete this->head_;
  this->head_ = child;
  return value;

Helpful methods

These methods can be useful in some cases. This function will allow us to see value on top of the stack without removing it.

T peek () {
  return this->head_->getValue();

And this function will allow us to know if there are any remaining values inside of our stack. It can be used for example when you plan to use infinite loops to remove all values from the stack.

bool hasElements () {
  return this->head_ != NULL;


This is slightly more tricky than stack, since we are adding to the front and removing from the end. However, this time we are going to use two pointers instead:

It can be done in opposite direction aswell, using only parent nodes. That is completely irrelevant to the functioning of this queue.

Body with constructor & destructor

We want to set all pointers to NULL again, to make sure that we have all time valid starting point in the queue.

And we are using templated class here once again.

template <class T> class NodeQueue {
    Node<T> *youngest_, *oldest_;
    NodeQueue () {
      this->youngest_ = NULL;
      this->oldest_ = NULL;
    ~NodeQueue () {
      if (this->oldest_ != NULL) {
        this->oldest_->destroy(); /// We need to call this method on our oldest node, since it's the head node

Adding elements

First, we need to create our new Node. In case that there are no nodes present, we will set it as youngest_ and point oldest_ to youngest_. This process is required, because we are using youngest_ solely for adding and oldest_ for removing elements from the queue.

void put (const T& value) {
  Node<T> *child = new Node<T>(value);
  if (this->oldest_ == NULL || this->youngest_ == NULL) { /// If there are no nodes present, we need to point oldest to youngest, to maintain the connection between them
    this->youngest_ = child;
    this->oldest_ = this->youngest_;
  } else {
    this->youngest_->setChild(child); /// We need to set our old youngest as child to our new node
    this->youngest_ = child;

Removing elements

This method is identical to the Stack’s one.

T get () {
	Node<T> *child = this->oldest_->getSubordinate();
	T value = this->oldest_->getValue();
	delete this->oldest_;
	this->oldest_ = child;
  return value;

Helpful methods

The same methods can be used as with Stack. This function will allow us to see value in the end of the queue without removing it.

T peek () {
  return this->oldest_->getValue();

And this function will allow us to know if there are any remaining values inside of our queue. It can be used for example when you plan to use infinite loops to remove all values from the queue.

bool hasElements () {
  return this->oldest_ != NULL;

Practical usage & Example

These classes can be used for example in Breadth-First-Search or Depth-First_Search algorithms.

NodeStack node_stack;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
while (node_stack.hasElements()) {
  cout << node_stack.pop();

NodeQueue node_queue;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
while (node_queue.hasElements()) {
  cout << node_queue.get();